Summary of complaints channel to third parties and distributors
The aFinance Group has drawn up a Code of Ethics which establishes the ethical principles and values to which all members of the Group are committed in the development of all their business activities.
Inform that the Ethical Channel is a confidential means of communication for all members of the aFinance Group and suppliers. In order to ensure the confidentiality of the data and the object of the communication, the documentation will be protected in accordance with the requirements established in Organic Law 3/2018 on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD).
Our Code of Ethics is a key pillar of our corporate ethics and of the responsible conduct we show towards our teams and suppliers, so you can submit any questions, problems or irregularities related to compliance with our Code of Ethics.
If your notification is a complaint of commercial origin, please contact the following mailbox:
On the other hand, if your complaint is related to the Data Protection Act, you can contact the following mailbox:
Below, we provide you with a form for the creation of complaints, which you can make, even anonymously if you so wish.
To follow up an anonymous complaint, you should consult the following address, providing only the code generated at the end of the complaint process, so we suggest that you take note of the code generated. On the other hand, in the case of an identified complaint, you can follow up by sending your query to indicating your identification details or the complaint code.